Life Insurance for Sickle Celled Clients

Life Insurance for Sickle CellIf you have any life-threatening conditions, it can be quite frustrating trying to find some life insurance. We know that it can be very discouraging, and it almost makes you want to just give up. If you suffer from sickle cell disease which is a form of anemia, it is still possible for you to obtain life insurance! It can be challenging to find some insurance companies that will pay for coverage for a life-threatening disease but here at InsureChance, we work with many companies that offer amazing rates for our clients who some would say are ‘uninsurable’. 


Sickle cell trait vs. Sickle cell disease

If the child is not born with sickle cell disease then the child may have a sickle cell trait. The difference is that when a child has a sickle cell trait they do not have any symptoms of sickle cell disease but they can pass the trait down to their children and if matched with another person with sickle cell trait then there is a 50% chance that their child will be born with sickle cell trait and there is a 25% chance that their child will not be born with sickle cell disease.

What causes sickle cell disease?

Sickle cell disease cannot be contagious, it can only be inherited. This means that it is only passed down from parent to child. When a child inherits two sickle cell genes, one from each parent, that’s how you get sickle cell disease. If the child only receives one sickle cell gene instead of two, then the child has inherited the sickle cell trait. This means that the child doesn’t have the disease, but it can create the disease when they have a child with another parent who has the gene as well.

Why won’t insurance companies give coverage to all with SCD?

Now that we got all the learning out the way we can talk about why insurance companies don’t give all clients with SCD coverage. The answer is because there is a high rate of early mortality with clients who have sickle cell disease. However, if you have the sickle cell trait then there is a chance that you can be eligible for a standard policy rate and it shouldn’t interfere with your life insurance application. Insurance companies prefer clients with no health problems versus any health problems, but don’t worry there are different companies that will still offer you coverage it just falls down to what company will.

What are some questions insurance companies will ask me?

When applying for life insurance coverage it is crucial that you provide as much information as possible. Leaving the smallest details out can come back to haunt you! Not only will it help the company understand your condition but it will help them provide you an accurate quote. When you choose a company to receive coverage from they will be asking you questions such as the following;

  • Have you applied for life insurance before?
  • Do you have sickle cell disease or sickle cell trait?
  • What was your health history last year?
  • When was your initial diagnosis?
  • What are your current medications?
  • Do you undergo regular checkups?
  • Have you been in the hospital due to your sickle disease?
  • Have you ever had a blood transfusion, and if yes when?
  • Due to your sickle cell disease, have you had any major complications?
  • What exactly is your treatment regimen?
  • Have you ever had a bone marrow transplant? If so, when?
  • Do you smoke cigarettes or any tobacco products?

After you answer these questions the life insurance company will assess your risk level and rate available. Remember to always tell the truth because if you think they will never find out you’re wrong my friend. They will have access to your medical record which will show everything about your health, and if you choose a plan with a medical exam they will know have you take tests that will provide them more information about your health. Lying doesn’t do you any good, it can get you denied quickly and can give you a bad reputation when you apply for other insurance companies.

What if I experience acute or chronic complications?

If you are having complications due to your disease it can get very difficult to find coverage. It is not impossible to find coverage when you are having acute or chronic complications. Some complications include; acute chest syndrome, aplastic crisis, splenic sequestration crisis, and hemolytic crisis. All of these are some major issues that are serious and life-threatening. If you have any of these complications it can lead to denial of coverage, but don’t worry because there are life insurance companies who offer coverage with no medical exam necessary and no health questions asked, sounds amazing, doesn’t it?

Should I get a no medical exam policy?

If you have a giant fear of needles and blood or just don’t want to pee in a cup, then the best thing for you is to go for an insurance policy that has no medical exam. Most life insurance policies with no medical exam give only the maximum of $25,000 for coverage and if that’s more than enough for you and your family go for it! However, if you need more than $25,000 then you should reconsider and get a regular policy with a medical exam. This is recommended if you have excellent or normal health, but if your health is poor or you suffer from continuous complications then you should accept this coverage amount because with a medical exam they will deny you or give you unbelievably high rates. Let’s say you have good health and complications but visit the doctor regularly and follow all protocols for your medication then you have an opportunity for regular coverage with a medical exam if your doctor can vouch for you. If your doctor contacts the company for you and vouches for everything you are saying then not only will it help your rate go lower but it can also open a lot of doors for you as far as policies!

Afraid to get denied? Look into guaranteed issue life insurance policies

What is a guaranteed issue life insurance policy? A guaranteed life insurance policy is a type of financial protection that provides cash or death benefits to the listed beneficiary upon the insured’s death. This type of policy is provided for anyone despite health! A pro about this type of insurance policy is that it doesn’t ask any questions and you can get approved without a medical exam. The downside is that it’s capped at $10,000-$25,000 in coverage and it has a 2-year waiting period. A 2-year waiting period means that if you commit suicide or pass away in the two-year gap then your family will not be receiving the coverage amount, they will only receive the premiums you paid.

Additional facts about sickle cell trait and sickle cell disease

  • 2 million people in America have sickle cell trait.
  • One in every 100 Hispanic-Americans has sickle cell trait.
  • One in every 1,000 Hispanic-Americans has sickle cell disease.
  • The average life expectancy for SCD nowadays is beyond 50.
  • There is no cure for sickle cell disease.
  • One in every ten African-Americans has sickle cell trait.
  • One in 500 African-Americans has sickle cell disease.

Statistics are from a Sickle Cell Foundation in North Alabama, U.S.

The future is among us!

The good news is that thanks to advanced medicine, sickle cell disease can be well managed and all the serious effects can be limited. This is really good news because insurance companies like clients who take control of their disease. If you are receiving preventative antibiotics, vaccination, or blood transfusions, that is really good because not only does it reduce the risks for you but it can reduce high mortality rates.

Why should I go with an independent life insurance brokerage?

Here at InsureChance, we work with over 60 top rated companies who serve all sorts of clients with different lifestyles. The difference between an independent life insurance brokerage and applying to the big box life insurance company is that you may be denied quicker with a big box company. They don’t have other companies under them, so if you don’t qualify for their standards they will not go out of their way to find you coverage, they will just deny you before helping you. Getting denied from an insurance company is not the best record when applying for another company, but with an independent life insurance brokerage, you will have more than one opportunity to get coverage. Unlike big box companies, independent life insurance brokerage, like us, have many life insurance companies under them which means that you will more options for coverage.

Final Thoughts

In conclusion, sickle celled clients CAN obtain life insurance coverage. It just falls down to what company and like I mentioned before, we work with over 60 top rated companies and many companies that specialize in high-risk clients. Save your time and contract us as your independent life insurance brokerage. We are here to make life insurance more simple which helps our clients live a more simple life without the stress of finding life insurance coverage.

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About Mack Dudayev

Mack is owner and life insurance expert at InsureChance. On a mission to create a way everyone can understand, afford and attain the right life insurance coverage to protect their financial responsibilities.

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