9 Reasons You Don’t Need Life Insurance

It can get a little tiring hearing agents and families talk about the importance of having coverage. The truth is life insurance is not for everyone. Here are 9 reasons why life insurance may not be for you.

1. You hate your kids

Let’s be honest kids are annoying. Especially when they’re your own. They’re ungrateful, they ask for too much, and have way to much energy. The alarm clock is set for 7:30 not 3:45, no one cares if your tummy hurts!

life insurance and kids

2. Things are going too good

Okay maybe you love your kids and things are going exceptionally well. As the doctor always says too much of a good thing is never a good thing. You need some stress in your life. Nothing equates to stress more than knowing that when you walk out that door and something happens to you, your kids are screwed.

3. You want to stick it to your in-laws

We hate our in laws, it’s no secret, yet an unspoken truth. We all know that if you die they will celebrate. If you leave their son or daughter financially secure you can expect a celebration for every passing weekend that you remain dead. If you don’t want this, don’t get life insurance.

in laws

4. You’re a risk taker

You’re not the type of person who likes feeling secure, security is for wimps. You’re young, you’re healthy, and can easily get a life insurance policy affordably, wheres the fun in that? If you want to take a risk then you can abuse your body, do dangerous activities and if you survive long enough to get terminally ill, try and secure a policy then, it will be much more exciting to await the result.

5. The world really does revolve around you

You can’t take your policy with you when you go, so why have one any way. In the words of Seth Godin “The world revolves around me. Me, me, me. My favorite person: Me…” So if you finally realized this is the case, why waste time with life insurance.

morpheus life insurance

6. You want your funeral to be as depressing as possible

Honestly, they better be sad when you die, and how sad can they really be if the funeral is paid for and their financial future is secure. If you have life insurance your death will look like a Great Gatsby party and seriously, you don’t want that.

7. You’re a Zombie

You wouldn’t qualify for a life insurance policy anyway because your legally already dead. So please don’t waste your agents time with an application.

zombie life insurance

8. Your Business partner sucks

Nobody likes a ride along. If your business partner is dead weight, you will want him to fail if you die. Don’t leave him the resources to go on without you.

9. You’re the Batman

Batman if you’re reading this, you don’t need life insurance. You have no family, you’re a billionaire and Albert will be just fine without you. From all the times you faked your death we all know he gets all your assets anyway. Besides, as risky as your hobby may be, you’re probably uninsurable.

batman life insurance

The good news is if any of these are true for you, you don’t need life insurance!

Term Life Insurance Quotes
About Mack Dudayev

Mack is owner and life insurance expert at InsureChance. On a mission to create a way everyone can understand, afford and attain the right life insurance coverage to protect their financial responsibilities.

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1 Comment


Wow they are the best arguments to convince anyone to take insurance. Because who hates our kids no matter how tiring we are taking care of them still our love to them is limitless.

April 13, 2018 at 1:38 am
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